November 2012
Did a walk in Pirttimaki Recreation Area a week ago. Hadn't been there a while, even my last orienteering event there was a couple of years ago.
The area is a typical Nordic one, deep forest with mostly spruce, pine and birch trees with some spots of ponds here and there. Terrain there is also very rough, having steep rocky hills. You really feel it quite well while you run there e.g. in an orienteering event at spring/summer/autumn time.
It's been raining in Southern Finland quite a lot. Was wearing again tall rubberboots. However, even they didn't help as after a minute of walking jumped off from the path and stepped into some soft and wet place. Left leg drowned over the knee and soon after the right one. Bad luck. And wet it was. Decided to continue straight without thinking damage too much. Pride was gone but what the heck.
Had a DSLR with me. Carried also a small tripod (a Gorilla Pod).
It was cloudy, actually quite a miserable weather. As a crown for the day, weather forecast had predicted light rain. It did rain but only at end of my walk.
Walked via small and narrow paths, which had been made by random users, including wild animals. Near there were small ponds. Walked via five of them, starting from the biggest one, Sorlampi pond. All the other ones were quite small though all of them were very nice.
It was a good idea to carry a small tripod. Without it one couldn't take any photos as it was quite dark in the forest (and I only had a kit lens).
GPS recorded route, some 10km altogether (
view in a larger map):
Some photos, B&W at this time
Sorlampi pond |
One of many creeks |
Spruce forest |
One of my favourite logos |
Branches |
Some spots of snow |
An island |
A view |
Ice formation on pond |
A tiny ice cube |
An arc |
Cliffs at Hynkanlampi pond |
Slow motion |
A waterlily in motion |
Water, lots of water everywhere |
Buried branches |
A 4 inch tall waterfall |
Millions of needle-like leaves from Larch trees |