June 2012
Been too busy with all sort of work this year and haven't really had opportunities to do over a day long kayaking trips. Shameful. This time squeezed some spare time and escaped for a short overnight paddling trip on Friday afternoon.
Weather was very promising, low or moderate (head) wind and lots of sunshine.
Did a quick packing. Subconsciously thought something's missing but luckily almost all important things were on board (matches: yes, a towel: no). Which reminded me again a need to create a complete packing list some day (good ready-made templates highly appreciated).
Decided to paddle to a small
Lillskorvan island, about 26km south west from our kayaking club house in Helsinki. The sun was shining strongly thus some protection was needed. This trip was also the first time where I didn't use a drysuit this year. Water temperature with a low 5 ms/s wind in archipelago still felt pretty cold.
While paddling, ducks, seagulls etc. were busy and reminded me I was in their territory and was an unwanted visitor, even without landing on any island. I wanted to explain them that I only paddled by near their islands and didn't really want to disturb their life, at least not intended to do so. They never listened me.
It took about four hours to paddle there. I arrived after 9PM but the sun was still up and shining brightly. Wind had died almost completely. Along the way, many islands had boats, both motor and sail, parked into their piers. Lillskorvan island had a couple of other paddlers but surroundings were very quiet. Perfect, just what I needed.
I had a camera with me. I knew that so called 'a golden moment', i.e. a perfect time for shooting photos around sunset was approaching soon. Thus I hurried to set up a basecamp. It meant install a tent, air mattress and open a sleeping bag. About 10mins later all was done. Dinner had to wait until I satisfied my photography needs. Also, a swim on a sea had to wait until next trip as I forgot to take any towel with me.
Sun shined only the west side of the island, keeping the east side shadowed and dark, which narrowed my chances of shooting photos. Well, maybe next time then with better time.
Dinner was quickly served, a couple of sandwiches followed by candies. Quite far from a gourmet one.
Bugs and mosquitoes; yes they were there but not too much. However, a lot more than last two years together. None of them bothered me during the night. Thanks for that.
Couldn't sleep properly as 'weird' sounds of nature kept me awake. Waves hit rocks every now and then, birds kept singing, too. I wonder when I fully get to use to them as I've got to use to city noise, too?
Next morning had to make an early wake up as another activity waited me in the afternoon, Jukolan viesti, one of the greatest and boldest orienteering relay race in the world, where I had to be around 2PM for ladies start (missed that my 5mins though, sorry!). Mens start was at 11PM but I wasn't competing there this year.
Wind had died during the night almost totally. Had a small breakfast, presso coffee and fried eggs with rye bread. It's so nice to have an early breakfast on an island watching calm sea and beautiful nature. Could watch it forever.
Paddled back via a bit more outer route. Checked couple of other islands, where I might still do trips during this summer.
After about four hours paddling arrived at club house. Happy and slightly exhausted. Mind requested from brains when's the next trip but a body rejected these requests for the time being. Let's see.
GPS stored paddling route (54km altogether), west side to go, east side to return (
view in a larger map):
Some photos captured during the paddling trip
Arriving |
Basecamp set |
Self generated |
Other visitors |
In a parking lot |
In bloom |
Little garden |
Shaped |
Enjoying scenery |
Somebody's home |
Escaped |
Master of flying |
Getting height |
Uphill |
A queue |
Great Cormorant showing who's who |
Father leads a way |
Aah ... |
City of Helsinki in horizon |